COSMO professionally produces sink drain, height adjustable, also product quality can not compare anything.
About us
We are an Environment-friendly enterprise which changing the kitchen and bathroom with thinking of the importance of nature and the future.
- 설날연휴 휴무안내 ( 2025.01.24 ~ 2025.01.31 )
- 2025.01.16
- (주) 코스모 A/S 휴무 안내
- 2024.10.18
- 추석 연휴 휴무안내 ( 2024.09.16 ~ 2024.09.18 )
- 2024.09.09
- 하계 휴가 공지 ( 2024.07.29~2024.08.02 )
- 2024.07.22
- 통신장애로 전화연결불가
- 2024.07.09
- 근로자의 날 휴무 안내 ( 2024. 05. 01. )
- 2024.04.23
CS Center
(closed at public holiday and weekend)
- Bucheon Business Establishment.
- Tel : 032-822-9871
- Fax : 032-822-9879
(closed at public holiday and weekend)